

    定性研究的目的是为了更好地了解住宅董事,在学生事务管理的初级专业人员地位,使健康在他们的工作函数的意义为了应对复杂的住宅大学生在多元化环境的需求。利用解释现象学分析的方法论的方法,数据搜集自八位自认住宅董事通过半结构化面试。三个主要协调的主题出现在参与者对住宅主管健康有显著影响:(a)制度文化的作用的健康住宅董事、部门文化的角色(b)的健康住宅董事和董事(c)日常居住体验。对未来的研究和建议对未来和当前住宅董事、监事的住所董事、学生事务的领导,研究生课程教师和学生事务。 展开/折叠切换


    尽管种族不平等在心理健康和精神健康护理已经被讨论了几十年,不公平现象仍然存在,对组织是如何试图纠正这些不公平现象。此外,双重危机,在2020年(即高亮显示。,COVID-19和警察暴力反对黑人个人)关注健康,心理健康,和系统性的种族主义,但目前尚不清楚这些socio-historic事件影响活动,增强种族平等。本文探讨了如果和国家健康和精神卫生当局(SH /尼古拉斯)努力提高种族股本在2020年的精神卫生保健。更具体地说,本文探讨了策略的国家使用,试图减少种族不平等精神卫生保健以及障碍出现,成为发展和实施这些策略。SH /尼古拉斯员工在全国47个国家完成了一个简单的调查种族股票是否在精神卫生保健干预发生在他们的国家,如果是这样,我应该找谁了解更多信息。49深入,定性采访58 SH /尼古拉斯员工在进行了31个州,编码,和分析模式和主题。本论文描述了导致三个离散的文章。虽然有越来越多的文献,建议策略改善种族权益组织和人群,我们不太清楚如何实施实际上种族平等的目标。第一篇文章描述了六个SH /尼古拉斯策略改善种族平等的精神卫生保健发生在全国相当均匀的和被认为是更广泛利用的双重危机。 I detail particular tactics within each strategy, the perceived benefits and limitations of the strategies, and how the strategies relate to the socio-historic context. I argue that strategies bifurcate into development activities, which are activities creating higher-quality racial equity plans, and equity-advancing activities, which are actions that may directly impact racial equity. This small distinction may have important implications for the success of reform activities to improve racial equity, both in mental health care and beyond. Crisis can provide opportunities for the public sector to implement equity-promoting improvements in health and social welfare, yet the mechanisms that link crisis to equity efforts remain underexplored. The second article examines how participants felt the dual crises impacted common organizational barriers and facilitators to racial equity change. Building on the agenda-setting literature, the findings support previous claims that focusing events promote buy-in for policy reform, while also creating opportunities for policies built predominantly from preexisting ideas. However, I argue that a crisis may also overcome conventional instrumental and practical resource-related impediments to change, such as a lack of funds, inadequate data, or weak partnerships/community engagement. This contributes to our knowledge of how crises create potential for social change. The sociology of race scholarship describes equity change failures and performative racial equity work but seldom examines the individuals making genuine antiracism attempts from within the walls of power. The third article investigates how SH/MHA staff understand and approach racial equity in mental health care when faced with newfound support for equity reform as a result of the dual crises. Findings show SH/MHA champions - especially people of color and staff in leadership or racial equity-focused roles - had a robust conceptualization of racial (in)equity as well as autonomous motivation and emotional investment in racial equity work. They took advantage of a perceived opportunity to further racial equity efforts in their organizations. This clarifies the role of racial equity champions within racialized organizations while speaking more broadly to the relationship between structure and agency in racial equity change. --Author's abstract 展开/折叠切换


    BBR谷歌提出的一种新的拥塞控制算法,构建了一个模型组成的网络路径的瓶颈带宽和RTT管理传送速率,而不是包丢失(如立方等)。虽然承认操纵攻击是众所周知的是通过有效的拥塞控制,没有之前的工作研究如何实现BBR这样的攻击,也不如何在实践中有效。在本文,我们系统地分析了BBR确认操纵攻击的脆弱性。我们创建第一个详细BBR有限状态机和一种新型算法推断其在运行时当前BBR状态被动观察网络流量。然后我们适应和应用TCP fuzzer Linux TCP实现BBR v1.0。我们的方法生成的30297攻击策略,其中8859误导BBR对实际网络状况。从这些,我们确定了5类的攻击导致BBR发送速度,缓慢或停滞。 展开/折叠切换


    物种相互作用的结果可以改变根据特定条件发生时,包括非生物和生物因素,如身体压力和物种特征。例如,交互物种的特征和个人可以影响环境条件的改善。此外,个人的反应环境上下文可以依赖特征取决于人口来源,包括遗传背景和孕产妇的投资。这些上下文依赖的不同方面挑战预测和理解物种相互作用和分布的后果。在这个论文我解决三个方面的环境背景。在第一章中,我将解释非生物因素如何影响plant-fungal共生操纵在一个潮间带盐沼使用字段增加资源可用性(泥沙养分浓度)和身体压力(沉积物盐度)。我检查的反应占主导地位的水草互和丰富但知之甚少黑暗有隔膜的内生植物(DSE)真菌殖民美国认为的根源。正如所预料的那样,植物变得更加营养,但积极的影响植物覆盖百分比降低了盐之外。通过内镜下动态慢动作影像菌丝增加资源可用性降低殖民,但是它没有影响真菌生殖结构,而略微增加营养和增加盐度升高后。这些结果符合仍然有争议的观点,plant-DSE交互部分基于增强植物的真菌的营养条件。 In Chapter two, I use a bidirectional approach to examine a facilitative interaction and the species traits and environmental conditions that contribute to partner benefits. Using a field survey and three complementary field experiments, I characterized an association between the salt marsh forb Limonium carolinianum and ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa. Both species benefited from the association in terms of growth and survival, yet the benefits were asymmetrical, with mussels benefitting more consistently and on a shorter timescale. Limonium ameliorated predation and high temperature conditions for mussels, whereas mussels enriched sediment organic matter, which may alleviate nutrient limitation for Limonium. Both interacting species had positive effects on traits that might serve to enhance the stability of the interaction through time. In Chapter three, I investigated how population identity of mangrove seedlings interacts with the biotic and abiotic environment to influence survival and morphology. I planted Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) propagules from 6 source locations into two common garden experiments. One experiment site is mangrove dominated and in the middle of the mangrove range in FL, while the other is a salt marsh dominated area at the northern edge of the mangrove range. Maternal investment in terms of propagule size was important for survival and growth, however this effect was stronger at the northern site. Seedlings survived better and grew taller at the more southern site. Seedlings traits differed by source location at the two field experiments, with seedlings from different sources having variable numbers of branches through time and differing in number of leaves, depending on experiment site. The results suggest that success of range-expanding mangroves will depend on an interaction between source population and local environmental conditions. The results from this dissertation highlight the influence of the biotic and biotic context on species interactions and individual responses to environmental conditions. Further study of such dynamics will strengthen our ability to predict and understand ecosystem functions as these contexts change due to anthropogenic influence. 展开/折叠切换


    目的:尽管精神分裂症是第八残疾的主要原因在15 - 44岁之间,仍然有不是一个完整的理解其症状的神经生物学机制。许多大脑区域和功能网络似乎参与了疾病的发展。丘脑、大脑皮层下结构,作为大脑的综合中心,参与调节感官知觉,情感,认知,和运动功能。它已经涉及精神病症状的发生率,但尚不知道具体地区的丘脑扮演一个角色。出于这个原因,我们选择测试第一次丘脑皮层的连接来自每个丘脑区,而不是整个丘脑。默认模式网络中异常高连通性(静),静息状态网络负责自我思考和自省,被认为是存在于精神分裂症、及相关精神病症状。因此,我们另外检查中央节点的连通性的静:后扣带皮层(PCC)和内侧前额叶皮层(MPFC)。我们利用数据样本临床高危(杆)精神病调查是否改变疾病发作之前连接在场。这个分析的目的是确定特定区域的静息和丘脑来区分,如果任何功能区域在空空的异常。方法:我们使用基线,静息状态功能磁共振成像(fMRI)数据从上海精神病的风险(大幅)研究。 Subjects included healthy controls (N=93), and subjects at CHR to develop psychosis (N=144), with longitudinal follow-up to determine which subjects developed a psychotic episode within one year of their fMRI scan (converters N=23). Clinical symptom prevalence and severity was measured using the Structured Interview of Psychosis-risk Syndromes (SIPS). Analyses were focused on the PCC, MPFC, and 3 functional sub-clusters of the thalamus using the CONN Toolbox to compute whole-brain rmaps. Results: Resting-state functional connectivity analysis revealed decreased thalamocortical connectivity in CHR converters compared to nonconverters, and increased connectivity between the MPFC and right superior temporal (STG) gyrus in CHR vs controls. Symptom correlation analyses within the CHR group showed a relationship between positive symptom severity and connectivity of the PCC with the MPFC and left STG. This positive correlation was additionally observed in relation to hallucination severity specifically. These results were not observed in the converters sample alone. Conclusions: We utilized advanced specificity to demonstrate the connectivity differences between the various regions of the thalamus and determined that the mediodorsal region is involved with psychosis. We also observed hyperconnectivity between a central DMN node and the STG, which is home to the auditory cortex, as well as positive correlations between these abnormal brain connections and psychotic symptoms. These findings are valuable physical indicators of psychosis prior to illness onset, and suggest target regions for treatments of psychotic symptoms.--Author's abstract 展开/折叠切换

    的缺席农学家和耶和华毒药:培养在大西洋两岸文学现代性,1758 - 1854。

    本文有助于新的南部研究领域通过阅读战前美国文学与新形式的劳动,知识,和激进化发达在十八世纪法国加勒比种植园。尽管我们认为现代性是占主导地位的生产和欧洲启蒙运动科学,文学的现代性庄园的故事表明,从克里奥尔语的种子非洲知识方面和欧洲agronomy-both殖民土地上创建。我阅读的文献从圣Domingue(海地革命前),法国,英国和美国从1750年代到1850年代确定两个孪生和竞争数据的权力:欧洲殖民知识体现在缺席的农学家和他的系统监测,和克里奥尔语的非洲知识,体现在mytho-historical图和弗朗索瓦•Makandal栗色奴隶被称为的“主的毒药,”知识的土壤和植物使革命“。”I consider the specifically ecological nature of modernity and its counter cultures by showing that in reality and in fiction, there is a co-productive and competing relationship between scientific modernity and an Atlantic African counter-culture of modernity created in the monocultural plantation economies of the South. 展开/折叠切换


    在过去的二十年里,注重隐私的技术的进步,包括加密机制,标准化的安全协议,和基础设施,大大改善了用户的隐私。Tor,这些原语的副产品,成为一种实用的解决方案保护公民的隐私权不受审查和跟踪。同时,Tor的成功鼓励非法活动,包括复杂的僵尸网络,ransomware,毒品和走私市场。本文的目的是提供机制,将使检测施虐者的宝贵的基础设施。 展开/折叠切换


    摘要虽然被认为是一个规范的过渡,从小学到中学会严重影响一个学生的学术和社会的未来。这个举动学生过渡到一个全新的学习环境,而他们在生理和心理上成熟的速度大于所有其他发育时期,除了初级阶段。这些变化在个人发展和学术环境使得这个过渡一段时间的大量学术风险。因为可怜的过渡可以启动一系列事件会影响未来的学术和社会成功,支持过渡年份项目是至关重要的。指导下艾克尔斯和蚊的developmental-stage-environmental-fit理论和使用塞德曼的three-interview协议深入的现象学访谈,这个定性研究描述了如何在学业上成功的男孩经验过渡到中学。目的是告诉男孩成功过渡项目的创建。专题的采访记录来自15个男孩保持在郊区中学教育成功转型年导致14个主题研究的核心问题和两个subquestions回答说。六个主题描述过渡经验:最初的恐惧,许多毫无根据的恐惧,快速调整,角色的重要性,从父母合理的期望,和男孩是区别对待,但没有不同的学术期望。参与者认为四个支持学术成就:友谊,帮助在学校和在家的可用性,教师的教学能力,高举自己的预期。四个主题描述障碍出现的成就:课堂节奏,更少的注意力从教师、合作分组,干扰和破坏。 Keywords: middle school, normative transition, boys, academic achievement, academic supports, transition programs. 展开/折叠切换


    研究跨文化适应的中国学生在美国高等教育机构收到更多的关注在过去十年中大幅增加的中国学生参加美国的学院和大学。根据2012年开门的报告,在美国留学的学生人数从中国持续增加在2011/2012学年总数达到194029人。这种增长占显著增加31%的本科生相比前一年(国际教育研究所,2012)。快速增长的中国学生在美国大学校园里的数量,美国高等教育机构和来自中国的学生面临着跨文化的挑战。然而,有稀疏的文献,探讨了学术适应这一独特的群体学生的跨文化学习的经验,尤其是在大学层次。定性研究试图填补研究空白采用叙事研究的方法探索中国大学生的生活经验从他们的角度和理解如何构建他们的经验在跨文化转变的意义。文化和学习之间的关系,霍夫斯泰德的五个文化维度是用作分析镜头回顾相关文献对中国文化如何影响美国的学院和大学学生的学习经验。本研究的主要研究问题关注中国本科生的学术适应经验在他们第一年在美国大学校园过渡。选择的中国学生的个人转变的故事为美国的学院和大学提供了有价值的信息来理解文化差异,学生从中国带到美国校园,帮助他们成功在一个完全不同的学术背景。 展开/折叠切换


    两年大学的学术咨询实践与高保持率检查使用一般归纳定性研究。参与者都是经理或在他们学院院长建议监督的实践。接受采访的大学都位于美国东南部。这项研究发现了五个重要发现:(a)的早期识别和干预高危学生;(b)增加与学生沟通,特别是在重要的日期登记;(c)的实现支持教练;(d)教职员工作为培训顾问;为学生和(e)强制性的建议会话。研究结果验证了学术建议改善和维持的重要性留存率。实施这些做法在其他两年大学可以帮助改善机构保留利率和学生的成功。 展开/折叠切换