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    没有单一的元素波士顿革命历史的后果比镇上的商人的反应改变英国商业政策。在约翰·泰勒的好镜头组内的特殊商业利益的强大的个人更明确的,因此,更好地了解他们的政治行为。通过巧妙的研究业务帐和保险记录约翰·泰勒已经能够识别特定的这个难以捉摸的组的成员第一次,观察他们的政治进行了十年半前美国革命。最初在1986年由东北大学出版社出版。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版新前言由威廉·m·福勒jr .)——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换


    这份报告强调了拯救生命的重要性,在有效的区域医疗反应联盟支持重大灾害的应对和恢复。该报告是由全球弹性研究所(GRI)东北大学与德州东南部的协作区域咨询委员会(SETRAC)。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版它强调了令人印象深刻的反应努力SETRAC哈维在2017年飓风后以及宝贵的角色,安理会在更大的整体复苏休斯顿。研究追溯了独特的SETRAC包括其制度的历史起源,任务,和融资机制。分析的努力SETRAC之前、期间和之后哈维的飓风登陆,简要探讨了类似的全国医疗联盟提供进一步的情况下的例子有强劲的地区联盟的重要性。报告的发现被一个事实调查团告诉休斯敦GRI 2017年10月进行的。——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换


    一个迷人但客观看350岁“Southie”,一个社区的历史以来,历经基本未变的早期移民的爱尔兰家庭和旧式的政治老板。昆兰出版社出版的1988年和1994年由东北大学出版社重印。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版用一个新的序由劳伦斯·w·肯尼迪。——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换


    2015年10月4日,中部地区的南卡罗来纳(集中在地铁哥伦比亚和包括里奇兰县,列克星敦和部分费尔菲尔德)收到17到24英寸的降雨在不到24小时内。1国家其他地区收到数量从6到15英寸在同一时期。这种强烈的降水之前是几周的平均降雨量。洪水在10月4日降落在已经饱和的土壤,和河的系统(即。、水库、湖泊、蓄水池和分水岭附近的网络),或能力。结果是漫溢,大坝失败,和历史洪水损坏和破坏该地区的关键基础设施,淹没了160000个家庭,导致19人失去生命的。斯蒂芬•弗林博士在2015年的秋天,中心主任弹性研究,确定一个初始团队与专业知识在基础设施弹性、社区活力,水和交通基础设施工程研究2015年10月的南卡罗来纳历史洪水。此外,弗林苏珊博士伸出刀博士,主任南卡罗莱纳大学的危害和脆弱性研究所协助分析和理解。在该地区一系列的实地考察,最终一个主要车间在哥伦比亚,SC 2016年6月(见附录一),他和他的团队进行了广泛的机构和个人访谈,和教训,发展出了一套随时可转换的其他司法管辖区共享一个相似流域灾害的风险。——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换


    一个更受欢迎的波士顿城市景观的变化已经放弃了很多最近的转换的繁荣的社区花园。住的是花园,一个杰出的学者和资深摄影师合作提供一个历史和庆祝这些城市绿洲的人使他们成为可能。萨姆巴斯华纳,Jr .)痕迹的起源波士顿的城市社区花园回到英语分配花园创建阻止乡下人饥饿在第一次城市化的浪潮。华纳表示,今日的城市社区花园欠他们的存在不是慈善事业或爱国主义而是积极冲动源于民权运动,强调自助,地方自治和个人尊严战斗市区老化的问题。当今城市社区的精神花园捕获Hansi Durlach引人注目的照片,那些个人,年轻人和老年人,他们一起清理废墟,直到土壤。从中国和智利、意大利和阿肯色州,从郊区和隔壁,他们的评论,记录下Durlach,停留在头脑和心脏。最初《东北大学出版社1987年版。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版用一个新的由吉尔Eshelman前言。——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换

    Una voz之间las众多:poetas judios de美国拉美裔。

    En esta antologia干草喜悦y橘树根枯病,realismo y幻想曲,emocion y反射。斯塔antologia证明una manera de conocer una poesia马都拉y coherente股y unica escrita为什么洛杉矶judios de美国拉美裔。Aqui se conocera la produccion de trece poetas, de la不大creatividad judia dispersada关于inmensidad de Latinoamerica y除了以色列为什么美国e。Incluye nueva版本de史学家》poemas·德·埃莫y de奥迪欧lamentaciones尤其el Holocausto recuerdos de infancias judias。Aparecen rabinos y纳粹,judios观察y judios赞比亚,judios asquenazies cuyos前期inmigraron de俄罗斯y el埃斯特·德·欧罗巴,y sefardies cuyos前期inmigraron de Turquia Grecia Siria y萨尔瓦多·德·非洲。 展开/折叠切换


    这份报告是产品GRI之间的协作和美国国家防火协会(NFPA)在美国国土安全部的要求。这份报告的重点是确定野火的影响弱势群体和关键基础设施。研究分析了几种灾害2016年野火季节和被告知发表的众多研究中,报告,以及各种公共和私营部门的项目解决野火在北美。报告还包括对现有资源的调查火灾研究结合为期一天的研讨会的专家和从业者的结果在2017年6月美国总部举行。——作者的抽象 展开/折叠切换


    职场+公共领域反映了为期一年的研究发现工作室由斯坦福大学,东北大学,WRNS工作室。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版工作的性质一直塑造了建筑环境,从agriculture-based进化显著的乡镇工业城市巨大的基础设施网络连接到文书城市的层次和秩序。信息时代的全面展开和自动化定位进一步扭曲劳动力向创造性和战略思维,创新的市场需求达到一个临界点。知识工作迫使我们称之为“公共网格”或工作场所和公共领域的模糊,有趣的和复杂的对建筑环境的影响。在2015/2016学年期间,东北大学建筑学院,斯坦福大学建筑设计项目和WRNS工作室合作研究工作室称为“工作和公共生活。”raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版The class investigated the impacts of changes in work and workplace upon the public realm and vice versa. "Planning and designing places for work today not only means reorganizing our physical environment in new ways, but it also means developing novel approaches to capture and investigate the practice of architecture and design as it undergoes radical change in terms of its actors, processes and places", notes Kristian Kloeckl, associate professor at Northeastern University, who co-taught the studio. Adds John Barton, Director of Architectural Design at Stanford University: "New modes of practice call for new modes of education as well. This studio collaboration not only investigated urban work issues, it explored new curricular approaches and asked students to learn, collaborate and lead in wholly new ways." The endeavor, which has culminated in the publication of Workplace + Public Realm, benefitted from the sponsorship of primary backer Jones Lang LaSalle, as well as Kilroy Realty, Knoll, Intuit, Equity Office, and CoreNet Global-Northern California Chapter. These industry partners generously supported the initiative and contributed their expertise on the issue. The students' research points to two key benefits-flexibility and work/life integration-sought by today's knowledge workers whoexpect meaningful interaction as well as autonomy over the processes of their work. While flexibility and work/life integration have been well covered in journalism, the students' research, as organized in the book's opening chapters, compels a deeper inquiry into the commonly held assumptions of both.For instance, workplace flexibility is not just a matter of making buildings adaptable for future uses; it's also about supporting worker wellbeing by allowing for flexibility in when, where, and how work happens by situating work in close proximity to infrastructural networks like transit or other amenities like fitness. Likewise, the work/life dynamic shifts from balance to blur, as it can often be difficult to know in any given moment if someone is working or "doing life." As most knowledge work can now be done anywhere, the workplace must evolve for relevance by offering experiences, tools, and spaces one could not find outside the office. From an evolved understanding of the concepts of flexibility and work/life integration arises the need for a new kind of platform to better support them-the public mesh. The public mesh is an ecosystem, or network, of publicly accessed places mutually defined by public and private entities, which happens at different scales and through different territories of public and private ownership. WRNS Studio's design partner, Bryan Shiles, who conceived of the class and co-taught it, points out that the public mesh is nascent-its more obvious nodes becoming evident in spaces, networks and infrastructures shared by workers and the public. In this "becoming" lies great opportunity to shape new spaces of engagement and access. The public mesh is still far from being worked out, as explored in chapters on security, jurisdictional dynamics, and territoriality and boundaries. The book is intended to catalyze further research on how both cities and suburbs might evolve in more human-centered, responsible ways-to the benefit of both private and public interests-as work and public life continue to merge.--Author's abstract 展开/折叠切换
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