ENVR 3125。全球海洋变化。(4小时)

探索海洋在地质和人类时间尺度上物理、生物和化学性质的重大变化。包括海洋的起源和早期演化;海平面变化;全球变暖;海洋酸化;板块构造对海洋长期变化的驱动作用大气二氧化碳在推动短期海洋变化中的作用;海洋的临界点;雪球地球理论;海洋污染; oil exploration; and social, economic, and political implications of global oceanic change. Themes include differentiating drivers of change across multiple temporal and spatial scales; evaluating change from different and sometimes conflicting perspectives (social, economic, political, environmental); differentiating local and global change; and establishing linkages between physical, chemical, and biological processes in the ocean. Requires prior completion of one laboratory science course or permission of instructor.
