雷竞技app最新版东北大学日历https://calendar.northeastern.edu/search/events?event_types%5B%5D=27721 雷竞技app最新版东北大学日历 弗里2023年10月20日 120 en-us 本地化 2023年10月25日:亚伯拉罕协议后是否有Ibrahim? 中东最近事件 — — 特别是加沙暴力爆炸 — — 正在危及美国支持的和平倡议,该倡议一直在鼓励阿拉伯国家和以色列之间的双边协议。这些协定被称为亚伯拉罕协议,包括摩洛哥王国,Mohsine El Ahmadi教授教政治学和平前景何在,美国能帮助实现和平吗?This event is sponsored by the Department of Political Science and co-sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program, the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict, and the International Affairs Program.

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tag:localist.com,2008:EventInstance_44260712257366 42.339915 71.0887 介质2023年10月25日 17:00-0400 2023-10-25T17:00:00-04:00 https://calendar.northeastern.edu/event/is_there_an_ibrahim_behind_the_abraham_accords_morocco_jews_israel_and_america_6235 讨论会

本演示文集隐含个人移位,位于作者的南亚字典中以说明南方传统,并整合他自己的经验学研究教学实践以改变学术写法The presentation highlights the principles of embodiment and relationality as significant for Southern communities, and contrasts them with texts being treated as autonomous, individual, and instrumental in the European tradition.

The difference will be illustrated through the author's study of scientific research writing to demonstrate how its entextualization involves the distributed practice of diverse social networks, material resources, and semiotic repertoires across expansive space and time.

The findings suggest an ecological writing pedagogy that draws from situated learning and embodied apprenticeship as practiced by Southern communities.

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tag:localist.com,2008:EventInstance_44578566595526 42.337667 -71.08893 2023年12月11日Mon 2023-12-11T11:00:00-05:00 https://calendar.northeastern.edu/event/studying_and_teaching_academic_communication_after_the_decolonial_turn